“Map out your future – but do it in pencil. The road ahead is as long as you make it. Make it worth the trip.” Jon Bon Jovi


Know thyself.

It’s vital for creating the life you want to live. But what if you haven’t figured yourself out yet?

Leaving school can be an adventure for teenagers with a firm grip on their sense of purpose and what they want to do with their life. They are probably already dedicated to it in some way.  Maybe they had a favourite subject at school which led to an obvious career choice, or they found an extracurricular activity they felt passionate about and threw themselves into with still no signs of waning interest.

But for those who haven’t yet formed a clear vision of what they want from life and where to go next, it can be daunting, paralysing and frankly, terrifying. Map your future in pencil ? Even that’s too hard.  Can I phone a friend or find a crystal ball?

As a teen leaving school, there are a vast number of changes going on in a short timeframe.  And it can be tough.

Having a clear sense of your purpose is one of the most important things you can do for yourself, not just to help you transition from school to adult life, but to create a life you love.

There’s a difference between a sense of purpose and a career path. Your sense of purpose translates to a wide range of possible jobs. It’s your compass. It’s the mark you want to make on the world and it will get you out of bed in the morning no matter how humble or grand your profession might be.

Your purpose transcends your CV. And it is both what grounds you and makes you fly. Yes, knowing your purpose is pretty damned awesome and once you’ve put your finger on it, choices in life become easier. And suddenly the prospect all-night parties isn’t as appealing as it used to be.

If you aren’t sure where to start with discovering yours, TED talks are fantastic. Real life scenarios and experiences are invaluable for learning, and they can save a truckload of wasted time and energy. Click here to get the ball rolling.

One of these talks leapt out as especially relevant as I was writing today’s post, so I’d like to share more on that with you here.

Emilie Wapnick wondered what was wrong with her.

She would discover a passion, throw herself into it, excel in a short period of time, then grow bored. Another passion would come along and she would think she had found ‘the one’ — the ‘job love’ of her life that would be her forever job. But at some point in time, like a switch flicking, she was ready for something new.

If you’ve come through the other end of school with a special interest you love and can’t imagine doing anything outside of that, you’re likely a Specialist, to use Emilie’s term.

But if you’re panicking because you’re about to head out into the wide world and you still don’t know what you want to be when you grow up? Maybe, possibly, you’re a Multipotentialite.

And guess what? Both Specialists and Multipotentialites are amazing, normal, and utterly necessary in the world.

Both are wired differently, though. And living according to the way you are naturally wired is crucial to happiness. Trying to be a Specialist if your nature is that of a Multipotentialite is going to suffocate the spark that makes you come alive.

Now, knowing you’re a Multipotentialite doesn’t mean you get to flake out of college and lie on a beach all day. But it will help make sense of the overwhelm and anxiety you might feel when thinking you have to make one ‘forever’ choice from a whole bunch of options. And it can help you to choose which passions to follow so you can build layer upon layer of skills to make you a unique package of attributes for an employer.  Or to fashion into a business of your own if you have an entrepreneurial streak.

Please watch Emilie’s TED talk to find out more.

If you’re well past school-leaving age but you’re thinking, “I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up,” you’ll find this subject discussed in great depth by Barbara Sher in her book I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It. Highly recommended reading.

By the way, having a Young Living distributorship would be a great fit for Multipotentialites of all ages with its flexibility and diversity of ways to work a bunch of different aptitudes. I’d love to help you discover more so please get in touch if something about this appeals to you.

And which essential oils are especially supportive when moving into a time of great change and growth?

If you’re feeling nervous or worried about what might lie ahead, Young Living Into the Future™ was formulated to inspire determination and spirit. It can help you feel excited about reaching your potential. Into the Future™ can be inhaled straight from the bottle and diffused.

For those already determined and focused, Joy™ and Stress-Away™ are uplifting and relaxing, two things you might find yourself short on if you’re a bit too tough on yourself in your desire to excel.

On the other hand, if narrowing options down to something manageable is difficult, inhale Clarity™ regularly and write down anything that comes to mind. Look for a recurring theme. Know that you don’t have to choose one thing that will be a forever thing and take pleasure from starting with an area that will form a great foundation on which to build as life goes on.

Essential oils are potent, so as always, follow the label and guidelines for safe use.

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Whether you’re a Specialist, Multipotentialite or a mix of both (I’m sure you exist!), adaptability is key. Nothing is set in stone. Love what you do, and keep the pencil moving. And always, if you or someone you know needs someone to talk to, please reach out to an organisation who can help.

Have a great weekend, and enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use. We make various commissions from products we recommend but we only suggest products we genuinely enjoy and want you to benefit from.