Insurance claim headaches? Inhale Young Living Harmony™ while discussing your policy and claims to encourage a supportive mood.

Who wants to focus on the chance of things going wrong ?  Not us !  But sometimes things just happen, no matter how much we whistle a preventative happy tune.

So if you do have to get on the phone and start talking claims with your insurer, you can turn oils to your advantage and get yourself into a frame of mind that will help things go as smoothly and easily as possible.

You know what it’s like when you’re stressed, tired and worried over the damage that’s been done — the smallest irritations can push buttons and make everything feel harder than it has to be. And that feels awful for everyone.  Inhaling Harmony™ directly from the bottle and rubbing a little into your wrists then inhaling can counter that.   If you don’t have this beautiful blend on hand, lavender can still be tremendously helpful.

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And if tension has manifested itself in the form of a gnawing ache, M-Grain™ is a blend whose aroma can help you to unwind in a comfortable spot with the blinds drawn closed and an eye mask and earplugs for blissful silent companionship. Put some in your diffuser and relax and inhale while its light, fresh herbaceous fragrance envelopes you with 100% natural ingredients. Only the good stuff.  None of the bad.

Not all essential oils are created equal. Far from it. Quality varies immensely, so please ensure you are choosing a brand with complete transparency from seed to seal, such as Young Living. Discover why we love them so much in this short video.

Essential oils are potent, so please follow directions on the bottle and the usual guidelines for safe use of authentic essential oils.

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.