Joy and Hope Essential Oil Meditation with Kegels for the Soul

Have you heard of Kegels for the Soul yet? It’s a beautiful meditation practice of “I am,” that we happened upon recently here at The Good Oil Daily.  It’s simple, it’s highly effective and we absolutely love it! Kegels for the Soul were developed – or perhaps intuited is a more apt description – by founder [...]

Joy and Hope Essential Oil Meditation with Kegels for the Soul2020-05-11T17:04:15+10:00

The Importance of Being Grateful in Hard Times

Being grateful is pretty easy when life is good and the world - or our neck of the woods, at least - is in stable and fortunate shape. But we can lose touch with our gratitude when life is turned upside down – when you feel like we’re suddenly in a bizarre snow dome being shaken [...]

The Importance of Being Grateful in Hard Times2020-04-06T16:04:36+10:00

Essential Oils for HSC and Final School Year Students

I wish I’d known about essential oils when I was studying in my final year at school.  I’m positive I’d have felt more equipped to stay on an even keel, ward off excessive overwhelm, handle my own moods, focus and study effectively and make sure all the hard work paid off. Whether you’re a parent reading [...]

Essential Oils for HSC and Final School Year Students2020-02-03T18:16:00+10:00


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