If you long for immortality, rub on some helichrysum.  Just kidding!  But this plant somehow earned the nicknames ‘immortelle’ and ‘everlasting’ so it doesn’t hurt to keep this essential oil hanging around your life.

Adding a drop to your daily skincare routine will be uplifting for your soul at the very least.  Whether it has the same effect on gravity and your neckline — well, in time, you can let us know.  We’ll get together in ten years and compare notes.

Helichrysum comes from the botanical family asteraceae, as do sunflowers.  The name helichrysum comes from the pairing of helios (Greek for sun) and chrysos (gold) with a nod to its sunny appearance.

Helichrysum italicum essential oil is steam distilled from the flowering tops of the plants, typically around Eastern Europe.

According to Young Living’s product description, helichrysum essential oil “has a fresh, earthy scent that lifts the spirit.  The legendary properties of this oil have a wide range of applications.”

Wikipedia ventures that helichrysum essential oil smells like a mixture of burnt sugar and ham.  Is it wrong that my mind just drifted for a very brief moment to bacon drizzled in maple syrup?  Ah, I won’t succumb but I can dream.

The primary constituents in the finest quality helichrysum essential oil are neryl acetate, gamma-curcumene and alpha-pinene.  You can pick up a quick chemistry lesson on oil constituents here but in a nutshell:

  • neryl acetate is also commonly found in citrus oils, and gives floral, fruity aromas
  • gamma-curcumene is a sesquiterpene, a constituent found in sandalwood, patchouli and cedarwood which are often used as aids to meditation
  • alpha-pinene is a monoterpene, which is also found abundantly in frankincense, balsam fir and juniper

Helichrysum is one of the rarer oils and is costly.  But as always with essential oils, when you weigh up its price with its value, there’s no contest.  Save up and you’ll be very grateful to have this oil in your collection, even if you choose to use it sparingly.

How do you know your helichrysum is good?  There’s a great article here.

We make no bones about it: we always choose Young Living.  All Young Living oils are guaranteed pure from seed to seal, unlike so many brands out there in the marketplace.  You really do get what you pay for.  You can check it out with your own eyes in this short video.

Feelings-wise, helichrysum is uplifting to the subconscious, in no small part thanks to its sesquiterpenes.

To get a sense of its other benefits (we can only say so much here without stepping on regulatory toes), look up this oil in your trusty essential oils reference book.  You do have one, right?  If not, please make that your next investment so you can truly educate yourself and take charge of your wellbeing as naturally as possible.

How to use helichrysum essential oil

Apply topically where needed (dilute as necessary) and on chakra points.  Diffuse or inhale directly from the bottle.

Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum) anticoagulant properties can be increased when combined with thinning medications like aspirin, so use with caution if this affects you.

Essential oils are potent, so as always, please follow directions on the bottle and the usual guidelines for safe use of authentic essential oils.

You’ll find helichrysum in these Young Living essential oil blends, as well as being sold as a single:  Aroma Life™, Awaken™, Brain Power™, Forgiveness™, M-Grain™, Trauma Life™, ClaraDerm (a fantastic spray for skin care in extra-delicate areas), Deep Relief™ Roll-On and PanAway™ (seriously, once you have either of these in your stash, you’ll wonder how you ever got by without them), GLF™ (not available in all countries), JuvaCleanse™ and JuvaFlex™ (great companions when cleansing).

If helichrysum is a little out of your budget at the moment, consider using one of these blends in lieu.  Cross-check their other ingredients and usage suggestions to see which one gets closest to the mark for what you’re wanting to achieve.

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The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use. We make commissions from sales via many of the products we recommend but we only suggest products we genuinely enjoy and want you to benefit from.