We hear it all the time – we need to drink more water!  And today we’ll show how to make it more fun thanks to authentic. potently-pure Young Living essential oils.

Our bodies are composed of a lot of H2O.  The actual percentages vary but for adults, it’s somewhere between 50% and 60%.

And keeping up our fluids is essential to our well-being and the natural processes going on inside of us.

Dehydration reduces your brain tissue fluid therefore your brain volume, and impacts the balance of glucose, salts and minerals in your system and kidney function.  And it affects the viscosity (ie thin-ness) of your blood which has flow-on effects for your heart and circulation.

Even on a mild level, being dehydrated will make you feel crummy.  Symptoms include headaches, irritability, joint and muscle aches and pains, sleepiness and lack of energy, dryness in your eyes, reduced tear volume and skin that’s less “plumped up” and smooth in appearance than usual.

If dehydration became a frequent or chronic state in your body, it would have even more serious consequences including deadly ones.

I’m sure I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know.  But it’s easy for us to know and preach these things and still let our fluid levels slide.  Let’s face it, water is essential but on its own, it can be a bit ho-hum.

Staying ahead of the thirst curve is so important but how do you keep it interesting?  With Young Living Vitality essential oils, that’s how!

The Vitality essential oils in Young Living are essential oils that have been classified as safe to add to food and drink.

There are oodles of Young Living essential oils in that fall into the Vitality category and generally speaking, if the oil is from a fruit or from herbs you’d add to cooking, you’ll find it’s safe to use the Young Living essential oil for that purpose.  But always check the label and follow the instructions to be sure you’re using them appropriately.

Today we’re all about jazzing up your water with oils to give it an extra vitality boost and add flavour and fun – 100% naturally.  And you don’t need to allow steeping time for flavours to develop the way you would if making iced tea or using a dried infusion.  Just open your oil bottle, add a drop or two to water and bottoms up!

When I make up a pitcher of water to keep on my desk and drink throughout the day, I like to also throw in a few lemon or lime slices, cucumber slices or freshly plucked mint.  Remember to have fun because we humans are much more likely to do things if they feel like there’s variety and fun about them.

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This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

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To get you started and spark more ideas, here are my top 5 Young Living Vitality essential oils to add to water for a refreshing hot weather drink.  A little goes a long way to just add one drop to your jug or carafe first up and adjust to taste:

Young Living Slique Essence

young-living-slique-essence-essential-oilThis combination of Grapefruit, Tangerine, Lemon, Spearmint, and Ocotea essential oils includes stevia extract, a natural sweetener that’s low GI and will appease your sweetness craving in a healthful way.  Please note: shake the bottle well before use. This essence also helps support your healthy weight management goals, so I like to drink a mug of warm water with one drop of Slique Essence first thing in the morning to set myself up with a positive nutrition mindset for the day.  If you’d love to add grapefruit to your life for its legendary abilities but you shun it owing to its bitterness, Slique Essence is a great way to partake – I can’t taste even a hint of bitter flavours in this delicious beauty.

Young Living Vitality Lemon

Citrus oils are cheerleaders in a bottle: add lemon oil to your diffuser while you’re at it!

Young Living Vitality Spearmint

Peppermint is potent and very powerful in flavour, which is awesome when you’re in the mood for that.  But I find Spearmint has natural sweetness in its flavour and it feels subtler than Peppermint while still giving you plenty of minty-fresh pizazz.

Young Living Vitality Basil and Vitality Orange with cucumber slices

This one’s a very quirky blend.  It’s not for everyone but give it a try.  It’s also a fabulous afternoon pick-me-up, or an energising and stimulating drink before you head into a long and potentially draining meeting.  Better yet, make up a few pitchers and take them in with you.

Fizzy Fruit Punch with Young Living Vitality Oils and NingXia Red®

Ok, this last one’s cheating because it’s punch, not plain water with oils.  But who doesn’t love a bit of fruit punch at a Spring or Summer party!

Skip the sugar-laden soft drinks and use natural sparkling mineral water as your base.  The classic punch base was lemonade and ginger ale soft drink, so use Young Living Vitality Ginger and Lemon essential oils with the mineral water to emulate this flavour combo.  Add Young Living NingXia Red® concentrated antioxidant fruit juice drink.  It’s rich in NingXia Wolfberries and other potent goodies like plum, aronia, cherry, blueberry and pomegranate juices and extracts. NingXia Red® adds heaps of flavour and nutrients to your punch plus natural sweetness thanks to its fruit and some added stevia extract.  If you need a touch more sweetness to suit the taste buds of the masses at your gathering, include a drizzle of raw honey or low GI Young Living Blue Agave Nectar.  Add handfuls of freshly torn mint and some slices of lemon and you’ll keep plenty of people energised and conversation flowing without excessive sugar.

Essential oils are potent, so as always, please follow directions on the bottle and the usual guidelines for safe use of authentic essential oils.

Please ensure you are choosing a brand with complete transparency from seed to seal, such as Young Living.  You can learn in this short video why we only ever recommend and choose Young Living oils and love them so much!

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To join and order from Young Living, please click Order Here and use 221498 The Good Oil Team as your enroller/sponsor.

This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use. We make commissions from sales via many of the products we recommend but we only suggest products we genuinely enjoy and want you to benefit from.  Product images used with permission © Young Living Essential Oils.Drinks image by silviarita from Pixabay