“I think one’s feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results.” Florence Nightingale

(Companion oils: Young Living Feelings™ collection)

Do you remember when SNAGS was a freshly minted term and guaranteed to sell a magazine when mentioned on the cover? If it’s news to you, it’s short for Sensitive New Age Guys. And it led to some very confused conversations here in Australia where it’s also the vernacular for ‘sausages’. I’m guessing it wasn’t an Aussie who invented the acronym.

While I get the general sentiment of it, I always found the term misleading, as it implies men don’t have feelings. We have them. But we can be masters of the universe when it comes to camouflaging them, and at times we can try to dodge them harder than a paintball.

That said, women can excel at hiding and burying their feelings, too. Or maybe it’s just that we blokes still find interpreting the signals a bit of a mystery !

Whether you find them easy to express or not, feelings can be used to manifest both wonderful and lousy things !

There are a number of fascinating and excellent books on this subject, including Lynn Grabhorn’s ‘Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings.’ (It’s a very easy and engaging read.)

As well as consciously using feelings in a positive way, we can learn from observing the dodgy ones when they surface.

That heaviness in the pit of your stomach? Wait a minute — where did that come from? What was I just thinking about? What caused this feeling — and what is the feeling? Is it anxiety? Guilt? Fear? Am I remembering something that happened in the past or imagining something that might possibly come about in the future?

When not-so-flash feelings flare up during a discussion with someone, it can feel like they take on a life of their own. Negative feelings directed towards others inflict damage that doesn’t show visible signs of bruising or scarring but can hurt in a profound and awful way.

Sometimes we can shift those feelings easily by focusing on things like gratitude, meditating, or going for a walk to clear your head. (Sometimes it’s our emotions not our heads that are crying out for a clearing !) Maybe you like to get in and de-clutter the wardrobes or clean the house like a person possessed !   Taking action and getting our bodies moving can help clarify what’s going on and shift things to a positive place if the feelings weren’t cheery ones.

But if your usual ‘tricks’ aren’t working, time to bring out the essential oils. And even if they are working — the oils can help you shift things far more quickly and effortlessly. They might even bring forth some “Oh, heck — is THAT where that feeling keeps coming from?” revelations with regards to something you thought you had all sorted and figured out (but kept coming back when you least expected it).

As one emotion can lead to another, Young Living has a magnificent collection of their ‘top six’ essential oil blends to cover the fundamentals and simplify things if you’re not sure where to start. It’s called the Feelings collection. Easy to remember even if you’re overwhelmed.

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You can use them individually depending on the specific situation, or in conjunction with each other. I highly recommend inhaling Valor™ or applying it to the soles of your feet a few minutes or so before applying any of the others, to help bring you to a receptive space.  At the time of writing, the blends included are:

If you’re a regular reader of our Feel Good Fridays posts, you’ll be familiar with all of them. As each has a dedicated post, click on each of the names to learn more about it or refresh your memory.

I’m going to be throwing some organic snags on the barbie shortly. Don’t be alarmed. Now you know which kind of snags I’m talking about.

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use. Product images © Young Living Essential Oils | Used with permission