“For me the greatest beauty always lies in the greatest clarity.” Lessing

(Companion oil: Young Living Clarity™)

This week, I’ve gone from dog paddling through piles of accounting to drowning in it.

If you’re a business owner in Australia and anything like me, dealing with BAS time can cause a bit of head-scratching and hair-tearing until it’s done. And more often than not, this crops up when you’re up against it timewise.

(Much as I’m happy to massage essential oils of rosemary, lavender and cedarwood into my scalp, I figure they have enough magic to work without the extra aggravation.)

Yesterday, I had just about reached the end of my tether when I realised I’d made a rookie mistake.

I had overlooked one of my basic principles of Pesky Paperwork Prep (aka ‘annoying office work I haven’t managed to sidestep or delegate’): Young Living Clarity™.

Usually, I press a drop of this spicy, stimulating essential oil blend between my wrists, inhale, then press my wrists to the edges of my ears and my temples. And before long, pieces of the puzzle fall into place, solutions appear before I’ve even realised there’s a problem and I’m cooking with gas (which is nothing like cooking the books, I hasten to add!)

Instead, I could feel my temperature rising and just as I was about to get steamy, I realised what I was missing! Phew. A few drops of Clarity™ and a nice cup of tea later, a sense of focused calm had descended and I was able to easily make sense of those bothersome bits.

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Clarity™ includes the essential oils of cardamom, found to enhance performance accuracy by Dember, et al., 1995, and peppermint, which comes with the Young Living Everyday Oils Collection (a great way to get started if you’re new to the oils). Peppermint is well documented with regards to stimulating mental awareness and accuracy (you can read plenty more about it here). So while Clarity™ is a targeted solution and enhanced with a number of oils to amplify its effectiveness in this area, at a pinch you can reach for your peppermint.

And while we’re talking of brain power, go ahead and think laterally about other times Clarity™ will come in handy.  Kids and teenagers with exams coming up? Maybe you’re doing extra study yourself?  Or wanting to ace a crossword puzzle?  We’d love to hear your experiences with it.  Don’t be shy.

As a PS to Lessing’s quote, I happily confess that when finishing off the last of the reports and ticking the BAS off the To Do List until next time, for me — great beauty lies in completion of that!

Enjoy the good oil daily.

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