If PanAway® had been created by Gary Young back in the Three Stooges days, they’d have loved it.  When the camera stopped rolling, they could rub a few drops onto their slapsticked spots and breathe a sigh of relief. (I wonder if the makers of the Jackass movies know about it.)

PanAway® has four potent ingredients studied for warming and soothing strains, knocks, bumps and bruises and taking the edge off the “Ouch!” (PS: It’s none too shabby when it comes to “Crikey!” and “Arggh!”). And yes, they are all 100% pure and natural, so you can have peace of mind knowing you’re not putting anything synthetic with questionable ingredients onto your body.  (Not sure what the fuss is about? Our short video explains.) Using PanAway® for yourself is the best way to test its effectiveness. Then you’ll know exactly how well it harnesses the combined power of the essential oils of wintergreen, helichrysum italicum, clove and peppermint.

I have a somewhat accident-prone mate. I suspect his bottle of PanAway® spends more time with its lid off than on!  He prides himself on being a tinkerer with the usual blokey things.  Cars he might not always be capable of fixing; carpentry he might not always be capable of carpentering; plumbing things he might not always be capable of plumbing; and did I mention he’s generally clumsy as well? It’s a miracle he hasn’t yet needed crutches!

So I figured I’d turn to an expert and ask him for today’s top 9 tips for PanAway®With an introduction like this, you might not find any surprises here but let’s list them for good luck. It might be like taking out insurance — if you have it, you rarely need it. If you don’t — you know how it goes!

Please remember to follow the usual guidelines for safe use of authentic essential oils and dilute with a pure carrier oil as needed. And obviously use common sense and get help if needed. PanAway® can soothe in the meantime, and you can incorporate essential oils into your recovery to help things along.

  1. Stubbed toe or fingers shut in the door apply a drop directly on location
  2. Cuts apply a drop directly on location to support your body’s usual blood clotting abilities;
  3. Hammering your finger instead of the nail apply a drop directly on location
  4. Finding your old roller skates you’ve not used in decades and taking them for a spin apply a drop or two directly on all the various locations that need it
  5. Nagging tension in your head that might or might not be from power tool overuse smooth a drop on the back of the neck, forehead and temples (staying well clear of eyes)
  6. Tooth unease dilute a drop with a few drops of pure carrier oil and smooth onto the outside of your jaw in that location to help tide you over until the dentist can see you
  7. General ouchiness smooth onto location as needed
  8. Workout ‘stretch-in-a-bottle’ put a few drops into some pure carrier oil like olive, coconut or Young Living V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Complex as an ounce of prevention to help your warm-up and warm-down stretches
  9. For extra warmth follow up your application of PanAway® with OrthoEase™ Massage Oil to turn up the oomph and try alternating use of the two; this is especially useful for something needing regular maintenance

Whether you’re new to essential oils or well-experienced with their application and benefits, there are a number of core ‘everyday oils’ that will cover your bases. There might be others more specifically suited for the quickest optimal results but if you like to keep things simple with a smaller selection on hand or you’re still building your essential oils ‘library’, there’s something in the Young Living Everyday Oils Collection that will do a fine job. Yes, PanAway® is included!

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The mate I’m talking about really isn’t me. But I’m not impervious to the occasional mishap in the workshop. So in the spirit of mateship and full disclosure, you can check out one of my doozies here.

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.