Hello, hot stuff!  That’s a great way to greet essential oil of oregano (Origanum vulgare).

Some oils are talked of as being hot oils, and oregano is one of them.

What makes oregano essential oil ‘hot stuff’?

Oregano essential oil is high in phenols, which feel hot to the skin and do have the potential to be irritating if inhaled to excess or too closely.  Just observe the usual guidelines for safe use of authentic essential oils and take extra cautions.  Go easy on diffusing (diffuse for short periods only and not too close-up), steer clear of inhaling directly from the bottle and only apply well-diluted with a good quality carrier oil avoiding all delicate areas completely.

Applying to the soles of the feet is a great way to get the warming and comforting benefits of oregano without being too concerned about dilution.  Generally the skin on the soles of adult feet is tough enough to take direct undiluted application, but again, until you’ve assessed your own skin’s sensitivity, go gently and dilute as needed.

Now that we’ve dispensed with the ‘hot stuff’ cautions, let’s dig into oregano as a herb and essential oil and find out what it’s great for.

Listed in a very early German medicinal tome by Benedictine herbalist Hildegard of Bingen back around 1100, oregano joined the ranks of a large number of herbs that were believed to be highly beneficial as tonics, salves, poultices and so on long before pharmaceuticals came along.

As is common to culinary herbs in general, oregano has two-fold benefits of adding its distinctive aromatic flavour and being a nice digestive assistant in the process.

The herb itself is a member of the prolific Lamiaceae family, which includes basil, clary sage, Dorado Azul (one of the Ecuador oils discovered and named by D Gary Young and available through Young Living: please click here to join and order), hyssop, lavandin and true lavender (lavandula angustifolia), phew, and there’s more – hang on, I’ll go make a cup of tea and be right back!, marjoram, melissa, mountain savory, oregano, patchouli, peppermint, rosemary, sage, Spanish sage, spearmint, thyme, vitex agnus-castus.

Note the number of culinary oils included in that list.  If this botanical family vanished off the planet, our food would become a very hum-drum thing, let alone the amazing benefits of their oils – let’s not even contemplate it!

The essential oil of oregano is steam distilled (the most common extraction method) from the leaves of this small purple or white flowered, woody-based perennial that grows to a height of 20 to 90 cm.  It flourishes throughout the Mediterranean and across the world, with the plant origin for oregano oil being primarily the States, France, Germany and Turkey.

Its key constituent at 60 to 75% is carvacrol, which is a phenol and the source of the intense warming sensation.

Oregano is one of the fundamental essential oils included in the Young Living Raindrop Technique Collection, which is a beautiful way to experience the application of oils.  You can learn how to use this method with your family when you order a Raindrop Collection.  It’s a simple way to apply the oils for a comforting and relaxing session for both giver and receiver that’s especially wonderful not long before you head off to bed.  You can get in touch with me here to find out how to order the Raindrop Technique Collection and learn more.

From a feelings perspective, you might not expect to hear this but oregano is wonderful.  It helps to create a sense of security.  Maybe without even realising it, that’s another reason why lasagne is such wonderful comfort food!

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Oregano is included for its warming properties in Young Living ImmuPower™ blend and Inner Defense softgel capsules and Young Living Ortho Sport Massage Oil, which is a favourite for highly active people as a warm-up/warm-down oil to massage into your legs, back and arms.

young-living-oregano-vitalityOregano is in the Young Living Vitality™ range of essential oils which can be added to food and drink.  Whenever a recipe calls for oregano, try substituting Young Living Oregano Vitality™ (start with one drop, as oils are so highly concentrated, a little goes a long way) and you’ll experience an amazing flavour intensity you’ll surely love.  I know I do!

Essential oils are potent, so as always, please follow directions on the bottle and the usual guidelines for safe use of authentic essential oils.

Please ensure you are choosing a brand with complete transparency from seed to seal, such as Young Living.  You can learn in this short video why we only ever recommend and choose Young Living oils and love them so much!

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Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use. We make commissions from sales via many of the products we recommend but we only suggest products we genuinely enjoy and want you to benefit from.  Product image used with permission © Young Living Essential Oils.