Ahh, study.  Some people thrive on it.  For others, it’s a necessary evil.

Have you chosen to tackle something that will further your current career?  Or have you been wrestling with an inner sense that you’re ready for a change and you’ve finally clicked Order Now on that course you’ve been eyeing off for ages.  You’ll explain to your family and friends later why you want to leave your accounting firm and become a costume designer.

Either way, it’s time to tap into the awesome power of essential oils to centre you, ground you, inspire you, energise you, motivate you and help you to build your self-belief.

They can also help you to keep your mind on the job at hand, keep your spirits up and energy up if tired and flagging.

And they can relax your shoulders if you’ve been sitting at your desk pounding out an assignment on the keyboard or reading at an awkward angle for way too long.  Capitalising on your commute time on the train by reading course materials is a great idea but it can take a toll on your neck, shoulders, hands, wrists and arms.

So here’s a checklist of essential oils to have on your side when you’re undertaking further study and maybe juggling a few too many balls. 

All the essential oil blends included here are from Young Living.  They are the only ones I use and recommend because of their genuine integrity of purity and their Seed to Seal® process.  Discover why we love them so much in this short video.

All of these oils can be diffused, inhaled directly from the bottle, or applied topically to your wrists, the back of your neck and over chakra points.  Dilute as needed.  Here’s a guide to safe use of essential oils.

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To join and order from Young Living, please click Order Here.

This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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Countering Self-Doubt

Young Living Valor™, Highest Potential™, Believe™, frankincense, cedarwood

Staying Motivated

Young Living Motivation™, Envision™, Into the Future™, ylang ylang

Reviving Energy

Young Living En-R-Gee™ (apply to your feet and shins for a revitalising boost), peppermint

Drink refreshing and nutritious Young Living NingXia Red™ juice with a dash of Mineral Essence™ each morning and later in the day if you’re planning on burning the midnight oil.  Note: it’s so energising, it’s best not consumed too close to your intended shut-eye time.

Relaxing Tight Shoulders

Young Living Ortho Ease™ Massage Oil, Deep Relief™ roll-on, peppermint, marjoram, lavender

Keeping Your Mind on Track

Diffuse Young Living Clarity™ or a blend of rosemary and peppermint as a general study tool.  Gathering™ is especially useful inhaled directly from the bottle for gathering your thoughts if feeling overwhelmed and scatty.

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To join and order from Young Living, please click Order Here.

This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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Tips for Overall Wellbeing

It’s a marathon, not a sprint.  It’s important to allow yourself reasonable timeframes for achieving your goals so your health and family life don’t suffer.

Have a time management system that works effectively for you.  Be realistic about what you will put on hold and let go of while you’re working on your course.   Sleep, exercise and time with family and friends are all must-haves, so be ruthless about anything non-essential that can be cut out for the short term.  This includes a massive unsubscribe purging in your Inbox.

Be organised.  Look ahead for possible hot spots in your calendar.  If you aren’t normally a big planner, you can still get a ‘year at a view’ wall planner, mark in big coloured letters all of the major events and occasions you have in store.   If your course includes on-campus time, write that on the planner.  Look at the course overview and estimated hours and chunk out general blocks to account for that on your wall planner.  You’ll need to modify it at times, but this makes it all more real and can actually reduce the anxiety you might be feeling.  You might find you’re more on track than you thought.

Keep nutritious snacks on hand.  And if you need to eat more pre-prepared quick and easy food, look for the best choices possible and do your best.

Celebrate progressive achievements.  Don’t wait until the end to pat yourself on the back.  It might be just a small reward or an evening off with friends, but do something nice for yourself when you’ve successfully completed each assessment.

Keep your eye on the prize.  Any course or study is likely to have some blah patches where it feels irrelevant and makes you question why you’re doing it in the first place.   Reconnect with your reason for starting the journey and focus on all the good stuff you’re planning on moving forwards with at the end of it.  If it’s worth it, you can do it.  You really can.

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use. We make commissions from sales via many of the products we recommend but we only suggest products we genuinely enjoy and want you to benefit from.