Bathing is a daily ritual that’s easy to take for granted.  Nowadays, we rarely even talk about how busy we are.  It’s become a permanent state for the vast majority of us.  Deliberately taking time out to smell the roses is so important, but if that’s constantly eluding you: better turn those daily must-do routines into the most pleasurable ones you possibly can!

Not just that, but given it’s a daily routine, if your products include undesirable ingredients, that constant exposure can really add up to potentially undermining your wellness over a period of time.

Today’s post is all about ensuring your showering is as healthful and restorative as it can be.  So that means we need to start with the fundamental element first: water.

Water is essential to life and our bodies are made of around 70% water.  Steaming and comforting, standing under a warm shower instantly feels like you’re in a watery, cosy cocoon.

But have you stopped to think about the chlorine in that water and inhaling it in the confines of the shower recess and bathroom?

We are mostly aware nowadays of the importance of filtering out the metals, fluoride and chlorine from our drinking water, yet we stand under the shower with those nasties washing all over us while we breathe in the unfiltered vapours.  Not so great!

I was shocked to learn that we absorb more chlorine and other chemicals through our hair, skin and inhalation of vapours from a 5 minute shower than we would from drinking 4 standard glasses of the same water.

It’s too easy to think of skin from a cosmetic standpoint – keeping it supple so we can minimise the signs of ageing – but it’s of huge importance from a health perspective, too, being our largest organ.

You can make the very major investment in your health by having a reverse osmosis water purification system connected to your entire house, which then takes care of your showering water as well.

Or you can source shower head filters.   This is a great option, too, in terms of removing many of the ‘biggies’.  And while there are ongoing costs for changing the filters, they are generally a pretty modest outlay when you consider the value to your health.

Now that we’ve taken care of the importance of good quality water for showering, let’s focus on the pleasure side of things and how you can use Young Living essential oils to relax and unwind or relax and recharge.  Uplift yourself ahead of a brand new day or wind yourself down for a sound night’s sleep: they will take care of whatever outcome you’re craving.

And for a super-easy and divine-smelling solution, I absolutely love Young Living’s Shower Steamers!

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This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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young living easy breeze shower steamerThink of these as a giant fragrantly fizzy tablet for your showering bliss – with the added peace of mind of knowing they are 100% natural.  Zero synthetic fragrances or nasty ingredients: just pure and natural effervescence that turns your shower into a daily spa.

You simply place a Young Living Shower Steamer tablet on the floor of your shower or on the ledge where water will splash on it but without obstructing the flow.  There are four large tablets per packet, and each tablet lasts for a number of showers depending on how long you love to splash around in there.

Personally, I pretty much get in and get out, but I have queued for long periods in the past behind other family members who seem to lose all track of time!  Showering seems to have that effect on some people.  If that sounds like you, you might be able to sustain an entire monthly autoship on Young Living Shower Steamers alone!   By the way, to accrue generous points to redeem for free products along with a bunch of other benefits including peace of mind of maintaining your orders effortlessly, please get in touch with us and we’ll show you how.

At the time of writing, there are two kinds of shower steamers available: Easy Breeze™ Awakening Shower Steamers and Citrus Fresh™ Energizing Shower Steamers.

Both are enriched with safflower seed oil and crafted without any of these dreaded nasties:  petrochemicals, PEG, synthetic colours and fragrances, parabens, sulfates and phthalates, sodium laurel sulfate.

For lovers of fresh, invigorating fragrances, Easy Breeze™ Awakening Shower Steamers contain authentic essential oils of peppermint and eucalyptus.  No ‘perfume-quality’ essential oils or scents here: just the real deal essential oils, steam-distilled to capture the lifeblood of the plant and bring you all the healthful enlivening and spirit-cleansing benefits of peppermint and eucalyptus. And in the cold months, you’ll find those eucalyptus vapors even more comforting.

young living citrus fresh shower steamersIf ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy’ is one of your favourite songs – or you’d like it to be – then Citrus Fresh™ Energizing Shower Steamers are perfect for setting your mood!  Young Living Citrus Fresh™ essential oil blend is the delicious fragrance power for these cheery showering companions.   They won’t whistle a happy tune for you but they’ll have you whistling one for them.  Citrus Fresh™ includes essential oils of orange, tangerine, grapefruit, mandarin plus lemon, along with sweetly herbaceous spearmint.

As for lathering up, you need to keep the good ingredients flowing with Young Living’s botanical bath and shower gels.  These foam up beautifully on a shower puff or loofah – you’re not sacrificing suds in order to be saintly with regards to the toxin-free ingredients list.  Currently you can choose from Morning Start, Evening Peace, Sensation (perfect for preparation for date night!) and Dragon Time (calming if your inner fire-breathing dragon wants to rear its head).

And if you love creating your own shower gel fragrances, simply order the Young Living Bath Gel Base and you can mix and match with Young Living essential oils to your heart’s content!  Be generous with adding plenty of drops to make a gorgeously lavish 100% natural fragrant profusion while you’re cleansing your skin and replenishing all at the same time.

After you’ve patted your skin lightly dry but while it’s still warm and moist, apply your favourite Young Living body lotion and seal in all those beautiful oils for a while longer.


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To join and order from Young Living, please click Order Here.

This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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Essential oils are potent, so as always, please follow directions on the bottle and the usual guidelines for safe use of authentic essential oils.

Please ensure you are choosing a brand with complete transparency from seed to seal, such as Young Living.  You can learn in this short video why we only ever recommend and choose Young Living oils and love them so much!

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use. We make commissions from sales via many of the products we recommend but we only suggest products we genuinely enjoy and want you to benefit from. Product images used with permission © Young Living Essential Oils.