If you have a Leo in your life, there’s a very good chance they’ve just thrown themselves the party to end all parties or have one coming up soon — most likely a theme party — and of course, you’re invited!

Famous Leos include Barack Obama, Carl Jung, Napoleon, Henry Ford and Lucille Ball.

Born between July 23rd and August 22nd, Leos love being the centre of attention both in work and at play.  Just like their symbolic lion, they are noble, valiant and fiercely protective of their pride (their family and inner circle of friends).  Leos are born leaders with their passion about their beliefs, visionary nature, and persistence to see those visions realised.

Other characteristic traits of Leos include:

  • Passionate
  • Direct
  • Intuitive
  • Headstrong
  • Energetic
  • Expressive
  • Loyal
  • Kind
  • Generous
  • Entertaining

Given Leos’ larger than life tendencies, it’s easy for them to take their naturally high energy levels for granted and not slow down often enough to look after the basics. If this happens, their vulnerable spots — heart, back and spine — will often be where they pay the price.

So, our tips for Leos? Given they like things to be straight forward and to the point, let’s bring out the bullet points again.

  1. Avoid greasy foods (you cannot afford the artery-clogging potential)
  2. Ensure you get enough rest and push up enough Zzzs (power naps are made for you!)
  3. If you smoke — goes without saying (and you take pride in your appearance, so think of the premature aging if the health risks aren’t enough incentive)
  4. Invest in the best mattress you can find to prevent back pain (you like doing things quickly and effectively, so schedule time with someone who can give you specialist advice and make sure you road test their recommendations)
  5. Lift heavy objects properly and don’t overestimate your strength (you like to get things handled immediately so have a tendency to lift things you shouldn’t and pay the price by throwing out your back)
  6. Look for quick and easy nutritious meals (too hard and you’ll find it easier to succumb to poor food choices on the run)
  7. Breakfast smoothies were probably invented by a fire sign — perfect for you! (Along with your blender, keep sprinkles like chia, LSA, powdered maca, protein and greens lined up on the bench in attractive storage jars with those lids you can flick open and shut quickly; buy organic kale which just requires a quick wash and bananas — so easy to peel; a stash of organic frozen berries in the freezer — and you’re set.)
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And a list of tips from us would not be complete without your essential oil must-haves:  Young Living Roll-ons — quick and easy to use!

  1. Deep Relief™ (when you ignore our advice about the heavy lifting and good mattress)
  2. Tranquil™ (when you need to rest)
  3.  Joy™ — not a roll-on but a beautiful blend for you (when your heart is hurting after someone has forgotten how softly it beats beneath your strong and determined exterior)

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.   Lion image © Safari Partners  | Product image © Young Living Essential Oils | Used with permission