If you’re already a lover of essential oils, you’re often excited over your latest experience with their awesomeness — whether coming to your aid after you hammered your thumb instead of the nail on the weekend, or helping you feel calmer and more focused ahead of giving that client presentation everyone’s counting on you for.

So, what do you say when you’re telling someone about it and they say, “That’s all well and good, but I want to see the science.”

It’s a fair question.  You love essential oils because you know they work. (The genuine ones, that is.) You have all the proof you need. But for those who don’t, how do you give them what they are looking for?

Before I tell you how I respond, let’s look at a hairy question:

“What is science?”

I’m pretty sure if I asked this of ten people I would get ten different answers. Or at least six.

Personally, I believe ‘science’ is man’s study efforts to understand how and why the Universe works the way it does. And there is no doubt that the Universe works.

How it works is a subject that has fascinated man since time began (that is, if time ever began). This fascination will likely continue for time eternal. I believe man will never fully understand how and why things happen the way they do.

There are numerous branches of science, the more common and basic being chemistry and physics, each having numerous subcategories.

Recently, man has come to understand that not everything can be explained by either of these main branches of science or their subcategories, so a new science called epigenetics has been created.

A quote attributed to the Bible says, “As a man thinketh, so shall he be.”

Or as Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company believed, “If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

Both these quotes, centuries apart, relate to the new science of epigenetics. Scientists have now shown that our thoughts do in fact influence our DNA and therefore our very BEING.

So when a person says to me, “I want to see the science,” I really need to ask them “Which science do you want to see?” so I can successfully fulfil their request.  Otherwise, I might go in with ‘chemistry’ when in actual fact they may have no interest in that and really want to know something entirely different.

Genuine, authentic essential oils work. They work in all areas — physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Of that there is no doubt. They have been used effectively and safely for thousands of years. Long before modern ‘science’ was even thought of. This is not in question.

But how we explain that satisfactorily depends on the needs or wants of the person asking for an explanation. Then you can answer them, or do some exploring so that you can.

Having said all of this, let’s bear in mind another hairy matter: science is often mistaken — and not always in a hurry to acknowledge it. When evidence surfaced to challenge fundamental premises such as the atom being the smallest particle and the earth being flat, not every scientist jumped the queue to get on board with the new findings. Embracing new information and discoveries is a more nimble process nowadays, but there can still be resistance, and not the least in medical science.

So what we know today will very likely change and evolve as our knowledge and understanding grows.

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