“Each moment of worry, anxiety or stress represents lack of faith in miracles, for they never cease.” T F Hodge

(Companion oil: Young Living StressAway™)

I’ve been having a great opportunity to consider stress and what can trigger it while waiting for some techie issues to be resolved.  Come to think of it, I was wondering what to post about — so the universe provided.

The techie kerfuffles happen to be related to our website, but it’s one of those intermittent and baffling things.  There’s some head scratching going on.  From what we can tell, you’ve been unlikely to notice anything untoward — so there’s a huge sigh of relief from our end. It’s only our own blood pressures we need to monitor, not yours.

I was sitting here at my desk enduring the back and forth while all kinds of testing was done, some through trial and error (yes, the website fell apart for a moment, but happily it’s not Humpty Dumpty.) And suddenly I became conscious of what was going on in my anatomy.

Stomach ? In knots.

Muscles ? Clenched. In all kinds of places. Let’s not go there.

Jaw ? Vice-like.

Back of the neck ? Stiff as a board.

Breathing ? Shallow.

For a good three quarters of an hour and counting, my body had been in fight or flight mode — or maybe a bit of both. And I’m generally reasonably self-aware, but in spite of knowing how to shift my energy to a happy, calm place, it had been alarmingly easy to slide into that Stress State.

Once I recognised it, I sorted things in a flash. Therein lies an important key, doesn’t it — once we’re aware of things, we can do the magic miracle cure: taking action. And if you don’t know where to start taking action, simply getting your body moving — going for a walk or even cleaning the house (you can come over here if you run out of housework at your place !) — can be quite profound in its ability to clear your head, snap you out of the depressive stress-inducing thought cycle. You know, the one where you go from running a few minutes late to being jobless then homeless — then partnerless and petless.

Because modern life seems to have opportunities for stress built into it, Young Living StressAway™ is one of my favourite essential oil blends for pretty much anyone and everyone.

I’m a broken record but I’ll say it again: one of the most profound beauties of using essential oils is that you do not have to understand them to receive their benefits.  But you do need to have them and use them.

StressAway™ comes in a super-convenient roll-on (and in a standard bottle if you prefer that), so when you’re stressed and overwhelmed, just opening the bottle and rolling it on the back of your neck and your wrists then inhaling is all you need to be able to manage. Easy. Not to mention that it smells really, really amazing. Lime and organic vanilla oil plus a bunch of other sweet scents and a coconut oil base.

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This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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How about preventative measures? Absolutely. If you’re heading into a situation you suspect could be a challenging one, use StressAway™ to help you stay calm and relaxed from the get go.

Along with sniffing and applying this balancing and uplifting Young Living essential oil blend, it’s valuable to figure out which relaxation techniques work best for you. I suggest magnifying the effects by using StressAway™ while you’re doing them, whether simple breathing exercises, visualising being in your Happy Place, meditating, watching funny cat videos, or doing some yoga. This will keep your system receptive and also help your body’s scent memory to associate this blend with your relaxing activities. It all helps.

As my own preventative measure, I’m diffusing StressAway™ while I spend so much time online chatting with the IT techs, they’ve already put me on their Christmas card list. I’m sure things will be firing on all cylinders any time now.

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.