Drip 1- 2 drops of authentic sandalwood essential oil onto the crown of your head to help meditative focus while doing yoga.

Our preferred choice of essential oils and natural products is Young Living. Discover why we love them so much here and here.

Young Living supplies Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood (Santalum paniculatum) as its sandalwood.  Young Living has formed an exclusive partnership with one particular farm on the island of Hawaii (where it’s natively grown) with sustainable farming management principles.

How does it compare with Santalum album?   It has similar constituents and a more balanced chemistry. The result? You can look forward to the same benefits you’ve enjoyed with the Santalum album species of sandalwood, but with a softer texture, feel and aroma.

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The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.