Young Living really is about people helping people.

Young Living’s passion for humanity extends way beyond providing products to profoundly improve lives and a business model that empowers people to create abundant lives while doing so.

The ‘not-so-often’ talked about side of Young Living is its philanthropic arm: the D Gary Young Foundation.

Rewind several years to Gary and Mary Young’s arrival in Ecuador as part of Gary’s plan to establish farms there and explore new plants to distill.

Nearly every day, they passed a tiny, impoverished school and were profoundly troubled by what they saw. And the seed of a thought was planted.

Not long after in 2008, I travelled there and realised why Gary and Mary were so moved by this little school and its students.

On arriving, I saw first-hand many families and their children living in abject poverty. And when I visited the Chongon School, I couldn’t believe the appalling conditions under which the children were doing their best to learn and be educated. My mind went back to my long past days as a school teacher with comfortable classrooms, desks and chairs, and hardship was thought to be a school bus breaking down on the way to a sports carnival. And my heart went out to these kids whose toilet was a hole in the ground with cardboard-like walls around it.

Since that time, Young Living, through the D. Gary Young Foundation, has replaced the old dilapidated school by building The Young Living Academy — a happy, vibrant place with flourishing students and high school studies becoming a reality. (More on that in a future post.)

As well as continuing its work for the Chongon students, plans are now on the drawing board to build a hospital in Somalia to service an area with 50,000 population, no hospital and only one midwife. (Again – more on that soon.)

One of the events at convention was a ‘Walk a Mile for a Child’ fundraiser for the DYG Foundation — and walk, we did. It was fabulous. Lots of people, lots of fun and lots of money raised for a magnificent cause.

It was also a great opportunity to catch up and share time with old friends such as Dr Carolyn de Marco from Canada and some team mates. Much fun was had by many and it did our hearts good at the same time.

After a quick refreshing pit stop, it was a fitting follow-up to head back inside Convention and be inspired to leadership by renowned author and communicator John C Maxwell.  What a morning!

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If you’d like to know more, you can help without walking a mile or leaving home! You’ll find more on the D.Gary Young Foundation here.

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.  Banner image No.1 © D.Gary Young Foundation  | Young Living Essential Oils | Used with permission