“Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” Thomas Dekker

(Companion oil: Young Living RutaVaLa™)

Some people sail through life sleeping like a log from the time their head hits the pillow until the alarm — or sunrise — wakes them the next day.

Is that you?

If so, I’ll bet you’re quite a source of envy ! I talk with plenty of people about health-related matters and lack of sufficient good-quality sleep is very much alive and well.

It can be self-inflicted.  Simple maths.  24 hours per day that you can’t bear divvying up to include seven or eight hours of slumber. If that’s the reason for your lack of sleep, it’s an easy fix, really. Choose to allocate more hours to sleep.

“But I couldn’t possibly get everything done that I need to get done…” you might say.

I hear you.  I still catch myself short changing my Zzzzzzs in my determination to get something done that I’ve set my mind to. But while I’m doing it, my inner voice reminds me (really annoyingly) that less sleep catches up with a person and can weaken resistance to pretty much everything from stress to bugs and germs. If you get sick, that’s when you have to pay the piper. So I put sleep ahead of those perceived ‘must dos’ far less often nowadays.

“Sleep is the best meditation.” Dalai Lama

Let’s say your lack of sleep is not for want of trying but it eludes you when you go to bed. Then, it’s no longer a simple maths or self-discipline equation.

In an earlier blog post, we gave some tips for helping with a good night’s sleep. You can click here to read it.  (Be sure to come back!)

Anecdotally, lavender is right up there with chamomile tea as a prelude to a calm bedtime. But if you want genuine results, it’s important to use genuine lavender angustifolia. Commercial lavender oil might smell pleasant enough, but it does not contain the authentic constituents needed to have a positive effect. (It could even harm you because it includes synthetics. You can find our more with our quick video on the subject.)

To up the ante, however, Young Living has harnessed the synergy of several essential oils known for relaxing and fostering normal sleep patterns. True lavender is the obvious inclusion, and it’s combined with valerian and ruta graveolens (one of Young Living’s ‘Ecuador oils’) to form a formidable trio in the fight for a great night’s sleep.

The resulting blend is named RutaVaLa™. (It might not sound as catchy as Brangelina or Bennifer, but boy, it does the job.)

Ruta has traditionally been used in South America for all-over relaxation and revitalising.  Valerian isn’t the sweetest-smelling oil you’ll have the pleasure of getting to know, but if you’re exhausted and in serious need of quality sleep time, you’ll be glad it’s included.

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This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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Young Living provides RutaVaLa™ in the usual bottle (you’ll need this one if you’re planning on diffusing it in your bedroom), and ready-diluted with coconut oil in a super-convenient roll-on that’s ideal for travel and everyday use. The virgin coconut oil is fractionated for a longer shelf life.

Roll it onto your wrists, temples (avoid eyes as always) or neck — or give the soles of your feet a tickle-up with it. It can be applied to your kids’ feet, too. Follow the label and the usual guidelines for safe use.

“I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?” Ernest Hemingway

It’s been a huge week at The Good Oil Daily with the Young Living ‘Build Your Dream’ Australian Symposium on earlier this week.  I’m more passionate than ever over the exciting things happening through Young Living.  Such an awesome company to be working with.

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.