“The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.” Henry Ford

(Companion oil: Young Living Motivation™)

One of the most fabulously entertaining aspects of Royal Shows like the Ekka is the way they showcase talent, culture and produce through various different displays, demonstrations and contests.

Among the many talents on show are entries in competitions like baking. And this reminded me of a man I once met who learned to bake banana bread for the sole purpose of getting a podium finish in the banana bread category.

He wasn’t a budding amateur chef. He had no aspirations of entering MasterChef or My Kitchen Rules. He just wanted to win a prize at the Show.

That was his motivation. And yes, win a prize, he did. I’m not sure that he’s baked many banana breads since then, but if not for this tangible source of motivation, he might never have discovered he actually was pretty darned good at baking banana bread. (I heard he was thinking of moving onto focaccias next.)

What’s your motivation? What if your dream is bigger than a show medal for banana bread and you’re struggling with procrastination and doubt? How do you move through that towards where you need to go?

Sometimes, procrastination comes from a kind of self-sabotaging referred to as ‘resistance’ by author Steven Pressfield, who urges us on in ‘Do the Work. Overcome the resistance!’: “Once we commit to action, the worst thing we can do is to stop.”   You can pick up a very valuable tip on this from him here.

There are plenty of great sources of inspiration out there with words of wisdom on self-motivation, and I usually have such a book on the go.

And if you’d like some motivation in a bottle to apply any time you need a turbo charge in that direction, yes — there’s an essential oil for that!

Whenever I recognise that gnawing feeling in my stomach telling me I’m in procrastination mode, I diffuse or apply a drop of Young Living Motivation™ on my ears, big toe, chest or nape of the neck and find it helps me get on with the things I know I really need to do.

Who knows, I might even have a crack at banana bread on the weekend. I might give someone a run for their money by next year’s Ekka.

Have a great weekend, and enjoy the good oil daily.

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