‘Legendary’ is a word we use around here as you might have noticed.

We coined it to encapsulate life at The Good Oil Daily — “tips, products and coaching for wellbeing that’s legendary”. Granted, I think of it as a positive adjective but I might be showing my vintage again — I should check in with my grandkids to see what ‘legendary’ means nowadays! Regardless, I like it so it’s staying.

‘Legendary’ also alludes to the ancient history of essential oils — the heartbeat that drives most of what we explore here with regards to being your best and most natural self, inside and out.

Now, today’s ‘everyday’ essential oil blend was inspired by legend — Young Living Thieves®, inspired by the story of a group of 15th century thieves who rubbed a concoction of herbs, spices and oils on themselves for protection while robbing bodies during the plague.

Using Thieves® will allow you to discover its effectiveness for yourself.

But it’s important to know we aren’t talking fairy tales and there’s research behind the essential oils included in this blend: clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus radiata and rosemary.  I can’t recommend highly enough how important it is to do one’s own research,  like reading the writings of reputable essential oil authorities, and you can even Google up research studies on the ‘anti-‘ qualities of essential oils.

When choosing essential oils, if you know their key attributes, this will help you to find horses for courses to tackle whatever you’re looking to combat, support or balance.

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This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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So, on with our top nine tips for Thieves® to get your thoughts rolling as to other things you might find it useful for.

Please remember to follow the usual guidelines for safe use of authentic essential oils and dilute with a pure carrier oil as needed.

  1. Turbo-charged cleaning add 20-30 drops to your natural household cleaner to really boost its effectiveness (or use the ready-made Thieves® Household Cleaner to eliminate clutter from your cleaning caddy: it handles every job safely and naturally)
  2. General bug-warding travel companion rub a drop between your fingertips to freshen your hands between hand-washing and after touching anything germy; add a half dozen drops to a small spray bottle of water for spritzing surfaces in your hotel room when you arrive; use the same to spritz your arms and legs as an insect-repellent
  3. Silverfish repellent put several drops onto cedar balls or potpourri in the wardrobe — top up regularly as it evaporates; for a more intensive approach, diffuse inside your wardrobe or walk-in robe for an hour regularly
  4. Ease out a splinter apply a drop and cover with a band-aid overnight, repeat if needed
  5. Soothing gargle add a drop to a small glass of purified water with sea salt/celtic salt
  6. Helping cold sores to be on their way within the usual expected timeframes dab directly onto location as soon as it appears and repeat; add a little pure carrier oil if too drying when used neat
  7. Funky toenails rub a drop directly onto nails that have a fungal party going on
  8. Fortification of defences diffuse around the home to help cleanse the air and combat airborne micro-organisms including mould; apply to the soles of your feet daily for general bolstering of your body’s own natural defences
  9. Toad-kissing antidote rub a drop onto warts (and stop kissing toads — no good can come of it!)

These tips focus on the versatility of Thieves® as an everyday essential oil in a tiny bottle, but this blend is also the active ingredient of Young Living’s range of oral hygiene and cleaning/purifying products. Worth checking out for time savings! And for an oven-cleaning demo that’s pretty amazing if I say so myself, check this out. Turns a messy, smelly process into a fresh-scented breeze.

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To join and order from Young Living, please click Order Here.

This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use. Product image © Young Living Essential Oils | Used with permission