Psst: You know those people with magnetic charm?  We might be onto their secret.

Joy™ has been one of Young Living’s perennial favourite essential oil blends since its very early days.  Back then, you didn’t need an organic latte or steamed green leaf tea for liquid sustenance while browsing their range.  Nowadays, you might also need trail mix while you explore what’s available.  How times have changed !

Joy™ was especially created by Gary Young to produce a magnetic energy to inspire joy from top to toe — mind, heart and soul. If this statement just caused a cynical eyebrow to rise, all the more reason to take this blend for a spin !

I know this because once upon a time (admittedly many years ago now), it would have raised my eyebrow way past my hairline. But I have to admit, if something is bugging me (even in a major way), when I apply a drop or two of Joy™ over my heart and inhale it, I feel better. It doesn’t have me kicking my heels up and doing a jig, but frankly, that’s not ‘me’ so it’s a good thing. If you’re prone to such activities, though, be ready: who knows what effect it might have. (Feel free to let us know — we love hearing your experiences with the good oils.)

Joy™ is a blend of bergamot (furocoumarin-free, so not photosensitive), ylang ylang, geranium, lemon, coriander, tangerine, jasmine, roman chamomile, palmarosa and rose. So it scores bonus points for smelling as divine as it feels.  And feeling good emotionally is as essential to your everyday wellbeing as feeling good physically, so it’s an important inclusion alongside the other oils gathered in the Young Living Everyday Oils Collection (an ideal way to start or build your essential oils library).

You can check out all of our tips for using Everyday Oils here.

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And now, here are our top nine tips for Joy™.

Please remember to follow the usual guidelines for safe use of authentic essential oils and dilute if needed. And if you’d like to learn a simple application method for this wonderful blend, please check out Valor Balance video.

  1. ‘Happy Place’ in a bottle  apply over the heart, thymus, temples and wrists if you’re feeling blue, upset, frustrated, disappointed and generally down
  2. Natural home fragrance  diffuse or put 20-30 drops in a spray bottle with 250mL of purified water, shake bottle well then spritz high into the air throughout your home and office — you’ll have everyone whistling while making the space smell beautiful
  3. Natural perfume or aftershave  wear instead of synthetic cosmetic fragrances by applying over pulse points; for use as an aftershave, dilute with a little pure argan or other pure carrier oil first and soothe your post-shave skin while you’re at it
  4. Matchmaking and libido enhancer  wear as a 100% natural personal fragrance or aftershave and you might have suitors following in your wake — and be glad of it !
  5. Anger management tool  if someone’s waving a red flag at you and you can feel yourself snorting and stamping at the ground, it’s definitely time to bring out the Joy™; inhale directly from the bottle as a quick fix, then apply a drop to your wrists and another over your heart when you can
  6. Deodorant  apply a drop over each armpit for a natural deodorant (dilute with pure carrier oil if preferred)
  7. Sweet dreams  to help you nod off, add a couple of drops to plain natural bath gel for your pre-bedtime shower; add to a little pure carrier oil and smooth on as a body moisturiser; or apply over the heart and wrists
  8. Soothe restlessness  apply a drop over the heart and wrists or rub a drop between your palms, cup over your nose and breathe deeply (avoid contact with eyes); repeat as needed
  9. Remove mental blocks  apply a drop or two to the temples or smooth a drop between your palms, cup over your nose and breathe deeply (avoid contact with eyes)

Come to think of it, today’s post would have been ideal for Valentine’s Day. But if you’re a romantic soul, every day is like Valentine’s Day. And if you’re not, maybe once you start using Joy™ every day, you’ll have a change of heart. You’re welcome.

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.  Product image © Young Living Essential Oils | Used with permission