Weddings go hand in hand with Spring, so right now you don’t have to look hard to find a feature on how to create your perfect day!  But have you ever thought about using essential oils to help with wedding planning?  Now there’s an idea!

Essential oils are amazing for calming the multitude of butterflies, frayed nerves and awkward social moments that can abound in the wedding planning process and the big day.  Not to mention helping with focus, creativity and navigating difficult situations.

Even if it’s a more relaxed gathering in a park or by the beach rather than a formal ‘do’, gorgeous essential oils can set you up for a calm, centred day.  You can more easily stay in the present moment and absorb the experience rather than wonder afterwards where it all vanished to in a hazy daze.

Essential Oils for Planning

The bigger challenge in planning a wedding comes from too many ideas rather than not enough.  If you’re still on the hunt, though, Young Living Inspiration™ and Envision™ essential oils can spark ideas and get your creativity rolling.  Inspiration™ is a meditative oil blend so it’s wonderful for finding a calm space for your creative centre.  Envision™ stimulates creativity and intuition while helping overcome fears and blocks.

If you’re prone to being swayed and overwhelmed when other people give you ideas, especially those with strong personalities, it’s important for you to be sure you’re staying true to what you want your special day to look and feel like.  So it’s going to be highly necessary for you to quietly get clear on the overall concept and ‘must-haves’ at the very least before you start telling people you’re getting married and they start telling you all the exciting things they think you should do.   (Bless ‘em!)

By having a very clear vision before the suggestions come, it’s easier to stay on purpose, smile and say, “Great idea, thank you! I’ll add it to the melting pot!” without feeling obligated to use it.  If it’s in line with your vision, it can be considered.  If not: let it go!

Awesome oils for paring down ideas, reducing overwhelm, warding off chaotic energies and staying focused are Young Living Gathering™ and Clarity™.  Single oils of cedarwood (great for meditation and elevating your thoughts) and rosemary (excellent for staying sharp and on track) are effective, too. 

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Essential Oils for Diplomacy

Ahh, so many personalities, so many delicate situations – well before you reach the day itself.

In the planning phase, your best negotiating skills will be put to the test, sometimes with those near and dear, sometimes with those who want to have input when it’s not called for.

If you’re not known for your tact, you might like to choose some oils to have within easy reach in case of a Stop Me Before I Say Something I’ll Regret emergency.  Usually you know who pushes your buttons, so you can plan ahead with preventative oil inhalation and application.  Young Living White Angelica™ is exquisite to apply on your shoulders and the crown of your head to strengthen your aura and sense of security within yourself.

If you’re meeting at home, turn your diffuser up onto High and pump out the Peace & Calming™ or Harmony™.  Any citrus oil will help, too, as happy vibes are in their DNA.  And if all else fails and you are about to lose it, excuse yourself to go to the bathroom where you can count to one hundred and regroup.   If after that, you still feel you need to speak frankly, you can remind yourself to be kind in how you speak and do your best!

On the other hand, if your problem is the opposite and you are way too soft for your own good, you can always try, “Great idea, thank you!  I’ll add it to the melting pot!”  No need to say your melting pot has a special express evacuation chute for all the ideas you know you don’t want to use.

Always choose authentic oils that are guaranteed for purity from seed to seal, like the ones we use from Young Living. Discover why we love them so much in this short video.

Essential oils are potent, so as always, please follow directions on the bottle and the usual guidelines for safe use of authentic essential oils.

In our next post, we have your needs on The Big Day covered, from waking up to rattling off with the Just Married car shaking its tin cans in its wake. !  Click here to read on.

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use. We make commissions from sales via many of the products we recommend but we only suggest products we genuinely enjoy and want you to benefit from.