“Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.” Joseph Addison

(Companion essential oil: Young Living Hope™)

One of my friends says hoping is a waste of time. I think he graduated from the Yoda school of philosophy, where “Do or do not. There is no try,” is engraved on every diploma.

I get where he’s coming from. If you view hope as a state of inertia and you don’t put any action in play to tangibly make improvements in the status quo, it gets you nowhere.

At its worst, hope without motion is like sitting at home every night in unwashed trackies and demolishing another tub of gourmet Extra Salted Sweet Lashings of Raw Cookie Dough Double Fat Ice-Cream while doing affirmations that your life partner is going to turn up any day. Unless he or she turns out to be the pizza delivery person, you’re making it tough for the universe to comply.

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But at its best, hope can be the spark that gets you loading the washing machine, shampooing your hair and going for a walk in the park when you’re feeling sad, overwhelmed or just a bit bleh.

Today’s quote by Joseph Addison can be deconstructed into a Feel Good recipe for you to action this weekend along with your dash of hope.

Something to Do

Leave your phone at home and go hug a tree.  It can be as simple as walking barefoot around your yard for half an hour and lying on the grass looking for rabbits in the clouds — do you remember the last time you did that? Inhale, exhale, repeat.

If you need any further prodding, this awesome clip is great for laughing as well as getting you out and about.

Something to Love

Animate objects spring to mind rather than tending to a stamp collection. Mind you, I heard cassette tapes are coming back, and the tea cosy population has exploded thanks to the rediscovery of the calming properties of knitting, so surely stamp collecting is heading for a revival.

Whether it’s a tending to a hobby, your special someone or sharing quality time with your pets, having something to love and taking the time to do so gives you Feel Good on tap.

If you don’t have a pet at home due to circumstances but really wish you did, head down to your local animal refuge and ask if you can dispense some cuddles. Some of them have regular programmes for hugging volunteers, so there’s no reason for you to do without. You’ll make some tails wag with joy and leave with your own love tank topped up nicely.

Something to Hope For

Only you can answer this. Whatever keeps you awake at night, whatever you hear of someone else doing and get a rush of excited, “I wonder if I could do that?”, whatever makes your heart happy when your thoughts alight on it …. Whatever those things are, write them on sticky notes and put them where you can see them regularly. Whenever you see them, spend 10 seconds imagining doing them or being them and thank them for giving you hope.

Here’s where today’s companion essential oil comes in. Young Living Hope™ is the most pleasurable way I can imagine to get yourself into a receptive state. If today’s post hasn’t moved you to take happiness action steps, then please, please at least open a bottle of Hope™ and inhale that a few times each day until you do.

Hope™ smells beautiful and it’s very easy to use. I love to put a couple of drops in my palms, smooth them together then cup them over my nose and inhale. You can also diffuse (click here to discover how and why) and breathe it in straight from the bottle. It includes the essential oils of:

  • melissa (brings out gentleness and a positive outlook)
  • juniper (elevates awareness)
  • spruce (creates a sense of balance and grounding)

As always, use the label as your guide and follow the usual steps for safe essential oil use.

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To join and order from Young Living, please click Order Here.

This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.