“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” Roald Dahl

(Companion oil: Young Living Believe™)

Maybe I’m feeling nostalgic.  Last week, we went for a walk down Children’s Books Lane when talking about gratitude. Today, I find them coming to mind again when I think about the power of belief.

Remember Scuffy the Tugboat, first published in 1946 as a Little Golden Book? Beloved by several generations, tiny toy Scuffy couldn’t move big ships, but he tugged on heartstrings with his naïve and endearing quest for bigger things.

When Scuffy is accidentally carried away from his family on a current, he is excited by the prospect of new adventures. But as the world becomes a bigger place than he ever imagined, he starts to feel overwhelmed.

Feel familiar?

It can be easy for our self-belief to be dwarfed when something feels bigger than us.

Our heads might be able to work through our self-doubt logically and give us a pep talk.  “Come on. You can do it. Get over yourself. Gee up. It’s no big deal.”  Our minds can try to assure us of all the reasons on paper we can handle something, manage something or conquer something.

And yet, that all-pervasive, deep-seated feeling of calm belief can still elude us.

When Scuffy is rescued by his family and is happy to return to the comforts of home, there’s a positive message in the idea of appreciating what we have and being grateful for the little things in life. (There’s the power of gratitude at work again.)

Entrepreneurs and trailblazers, on the other hand, might actually think Scuffy gave up and took the easy way out ! If you have young kids, their responses to the book could give you a great clue to their natural inclinations when it comes to risk taking.

Either way, believing in yourself is essential to a happy life. Knowing what you believe in and allowing yourself to be passionate about it is fundamental to embracing your authenticity. If you don’t know what you believe in and stand by it, you’re living someone else’s dreams instead of your own.

If your self-confidence and belief are feeling fragile, essential oils can help bolster your belief — easily, simply and with a beautiful smell. What’s not to love about that ?!

Don’t believe me ? The only way you’ll know for sure is to try, but choosing the right oils requires some knowledge. Or you can use one formulated by the experts. Young Living Believe™ was especially designed for this purpose.

To order Young Living Believe™ essential oil, please contact me and I’ll give you a hand.

Believe™ helps you tap into and release your innermost potential. It also restores a sense of hope.

This essential oil blend smells fresh with a touch of sweetness and if you want to wear it as your personal fragrance, I’d describe it as ‘unisex’ — so for the blokes amongst us, don’t worry, no-one will think you borrowed your lady love’s perfume.

Believe™ includes these essential oils and more:

  • Idaho Balsam Fir (releases blocks and recharges energy centres)
  • frankincense (elevating to the mind, rich in sesquiterpenes)
  • ylang ylang (balances yin and yang and restores confidence)

This weekend is looking rainy, so I might spend some time focusing on my belief that plenty of rest and sleep are therapeutic.  Sound good to you?

Have a great weekend, and enjoy the good oil daily.

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