Around the time I was emerging bright-eyed and bushy-tailed from my herbalism studies, affirmations and a couple of books called Heal Your Body and You Can Heal Your Life were emerging on best-seller lists.

Their author was Louise L Hay.  And her seminal work continues to inspire people who are open to possibilities and believe we are infinite beings capable of more than we can begin to imagine.  Or maybe capable of only what we can imagine.  That’s a whole other metaphysical discussion right there.

Having gone on a journey of self-transformation, Ms Hay opened the door and gave her insights into the power of affirmations to influence our feelings and beliefs and consequently, our biology.

Nowadays, affirmations are widely embraced for their ‘feel good’ vibes, even if the technicalities of how well they work are sometimes debated.  Like most things in life, affirmations can be put into action well or poorly.

So today we’re taking a look at the power of essential oils to support you in putting affirmations into action well.

Let’s be clear: sitting on the couch saying affirmations without backing them up with appropriate action can be a long, slow haul to nowhere.  Using essential oils won’t substitute for putting in the necessary work, but they can harmonise, relax and encourage you to want to do so.

As long as you follow directions on the bottle and the usual guidelines for safe use of authentic essential oils , you can’t go wrong when choosing companion oils to apply to chakra points and diffuse while focusing on your affirmations.   Remember to dilute with a little carrier oil before applying if needed for skin sensitivity.   Or you might prefer to simply inhale from the bottle or have your diffuser gently misting the oil into the air around you.

Young Living Valor essential oil is a beautiful one to apply to the soles of your feet before using any oils related to feelings.  It’s gentle and balancing for your energies.  Due to seasonal limitations with raw materials, Valor and its stable mate Valor II are sometimes short in supply.  Harmony, Gathering and Highest Potential are fine substitutes as needed.

Here are a couple of ideas on choosing companion oils, one for each side of your brain.

Intuitive Choice

Say your affirmation with your eyes closed then point to your oils collection.  So that you don’t stack the deck, you could shuffle them around before pointing if you normally keep them in order.   But on the other hand, if you know you want a certain oil to be the one you choose, you’ve already made the choice.  Just like that moment when you’ve flipped a coin.

Logical Choice

Young Living essential oil blends – and most others you’ll find in the marketplace – have names that are evocative of their benefits.  Let’s say you’re using a Louise Hay affirmation for something specific.  For example, the suggested affirmation for ageing issues is, “I love and accept myself at every age. Each moment in life is perfect.”

Staying with Young Living blends, can you see how Acceptance™ ties in beautifully?  Alternated with Present Time™ for being in the now?  Simple.

Whatever your method, remember to breathe and relax with the process.  Stressing about the best way to do your affirmations is not part of the recipe for success.

If in doubt, diffuse lavender.  It’s an all-rounder and helping you unwind is the worst thing that could happen.  For problems such as this we should pray.

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The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use. We make commissions from sales via many of the products we recommend but we only suggest products we genuinely enjoy and want you to benefit from.