In my experience, a lot of people gravitate to natural health and essential oils instinctively due to results they’ve had themselves, or through being inspired by the results they see in others.

Seeing is believing and there’s nothing quite like experiencing something for yourself to provide all the evidence you need that it works.  We’re all for that here at The Good Oil Daily, and believe it’s the simplest and most powerful way to introduce people to the benefits of authentic essential oils like our favourites, which are those produced by Young Living™. (You can check out why we love them so much in these short videos here and here.)

But seeing the science behind things is also an exciting experience — not to mention validating results in a way that makes sense to analytical minds.  If you’re excited about sharing your experiences but the reaction is, “It does not compute,” all the passion in the world won’t stop it falling on deaf ears.

AIRASE (Association for the International Research of Aromatic Science and Education) is a non-profit membership association that helps fund essential oil research in its mission to seek truth about essential oils. It also provides members with regular updates and access to their online research library.

According to AIRASE,

“People are using essential oils in food, on their bodies, in a drink of water, in cleaning, in a capsule, in the kitchen, in skin-care products, in the car, as dietary supplements, as air fresheners, on their animals, as insect repellents, to detoxify the smell of paint, and as a replacement for the medicine cabinet. Essential oils can do just about anything that passionate, free people can imagine.”

Sounds good to us — how about you ?

One of their missions is “to promote research to establish scientific validity for the standardisation of essential oils for the home, health care and medical uses.”

For more information about what AIRASE is all about and how to become a member, click here to head to their website.

Knowledge is power, and when you’re sharing your excitement over the oils with others, if they are the enquiring type, it feels good to have answers or know where you can find them.  There are also a great many excellent guides and reference books available for essential oil users, so please be sure to order at least one you can refer to daily, along with using the good oils daily !  If you’d like a hand with knowing where to start, please get in touch via our contact page and we’ll happily assist.

Enjoy the good oil daily.

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This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.