Every week should be Dental Health Week, so we’re putting your pearly whites under the spotlight.

Aside from the more obvious difficulties associated with poor dental health at any age, oral health is also vital to general health. According to research quoted in a report by the National Advisory Council on Dental Health:

“Tooth loss is directly associated with deteriorating diet and compromised nutrition, which can impair general health and exacerbate existing health conditions. Further, the mouth is often an entry point for infections, which may spread to other parts of the body. International research indicates there are associations between chronic oral infections and heart and lung diseases, stroke, low birth–weight and premature births. Associations between periodontal disease and diabetes have also been noted in international literature.”

Daily good habits from babies through to adults of all ages are the key to a lifetime of great dental health. And when you’re using any products daily, it becomes a high priority to opt for the non-toxic versions. There are some big question marks hanging over common major ingredients in commercial toothpastes and mouthwashes, so it’s wise to do your own research for peace of mind, then check out other safe-yet-effective options.

A number of constituents isolated for use in modern dentistry are found in essential oils. But why use them in isolation when you can choose the synergy of the entire authentic essential oil instead.

Clove essential oil has a long history of use in mainstream dentistry. And menthol, methyl salycilate, thymol and eucalyptol are individual constituents used in many commercial formulations. These constituents are naturally found in essential oils of peppermint, wintergreen, thyme and eucalyptus/rosemary essential oils — so choosing a toothpaste and mouthwash with these essential oils included is a natural way to sort out your ounce of prevention.

Young Living has an excellent range developed around their Thieves® essential oil blend, which happens to include clove, eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils. They further fortify the defences with peppermint (does anything beat that minty taste?) and the other aforementioned oils known to support the cause.

And they have one especially designed for children, too. All of these toothpastes and the matching mouthwash and floss are safe and effective without the use of fluoride, dyes, synthetic colours, artificial flavours, or preservatives.

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There’s a reason why dentists fuss over flossing every day.  It really does work so grin and bear it and your grin will be rewarded accordingly.  And a dentist gave me an excellent tip for helping maintain an ideal environment in your mouth after eating / between brushes and it’s as simple as a teaspoon of bicarb in half a litre of water.  Keep this mix in a glass bottle and rinse your mouth with it after eating and drinking.  So simple.

Here’s my quirky tip for the day.  If you like to live minimally or you’re looking for double-duty products while travelling, as bizarre as it might sound, try these as your deodorant. I’ve done so with the Dentarome Plus and it worked like a charm. I can’t personally vouch for the other toothpastes used in this fashion but please let me know if you’ve tried them and found they worked for you!

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.