“Be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need.” Sarah Ban Breathnach

(Companion essential oil: Young Living Build Your Dream™)

When we talk about building a dream home, it’s ‘big dream stuff’ to allow our minds to go wandering with no budgetary restrictions or telling ourselves to “be realistic!” (We talked about ‘big dream stuff’ last week. You can check it out here if you missed it.)

But it costs nothing to dream.

Diffuse some Young Living Build Your Dream™ essential oil blend and rub a couple of drops on your wrists to get yourself in a supportive mood for your imaginary house hunting adventures.   Then hit the design websites, blogs and magazines.

Gather images that make your heart sing. Don’t limit yourself. If you catch yourself thinking, “That would be amazing, but …” stop that thought in its tracks and add the picture to your dream home collection.

If you’re looking online, Pinterest is wonderful for collating your favourites and you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection. For magazine clippings, a simple tool is an A4 archive folder with tabbed dividers for different areas in the home — kitchen, bathroom, living, outdoor living (you get the gist).

When you’ve gathered a number of photos, look for common themes. How would you describe them in a few key words? Light and airy? Warm and comforting? Town mouse or country mouse? Contemporary or vintage? Is the yard low maintenance, or is a lavishly abundant green space with a ‘more is more’ mantra more your style?

Those feelings are what we’re looking to tap into right now.   Whether the furniture and fixtures are expensive or humble, mansion-like or small, once you’ve figured out the feelings your dream home evokes, you can align them with today’s quote knowing ‘all you have is all you need’.

You might be thinking, “That’s all warm and fuzzy and New Age-y, but how can a rental home with pea-green walls and a tired old lounge suite feel like all I need when I’m dreaming of a brand new condo ?”

Fair enough, too. Some things might require a bit more of a stretch than others. Young Living Gratitude™ and Acceptance™ are very useful essential oil blends for helping us to appreciate and be thankful for what we have in our life right here, right now, as encouraged by Sarah Ban Breathnach’s quote.

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This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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When used regularly in rotation with Build Your Dream™, you can be awash with contentment while taking regular baby steps to bring even more of what you love into your life.

You can also use authentic essential oils to create a signature fragrance for your home. When you diffuse the oils produced by Young Living, you can rest easy knowing they are genuinely natural with no harmful synthetics. Here’s a quick reference guide to get your mind rolling over possibilities.

Light and airy : citrus oils, White Angelica™, Believe™, Citrus Fresh™

Earthy and cosy : woodsy oils, Abundance™, Sacred Mountain™, 3 Wise Men™

Clean and green : herbaceous oils, AromaEase™, Purification™

Vintage and romantic : floral oils, Sensation™, Joy™, Harmony™

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To join and order from Young Living, please click Order Here.

This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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From a décor perspective, you can look at the gist of your dream home and find ways to create a sense of that in your present surroundings. Back to your pea-green walls and tired old lounge suite you don’t currently have funds to replace. Let’s say you’re dreaming of something light, stylish and airy?

  • Hit the local thrift shops and look for lamps. Position uplighters in the corners of your rooms. Choose an item to feature, say a small console or table with a pot of flowers and a small stack of attractive books.  Position a lamp on it and place a mirror behind to double the impact
  • Ask your landlord for permission to paint. If you stay with safe evergreen colours like white or pale sand, it’s highly likely they will say, “Yes”
  • What kind of window-coverings do you have? Pull up the blinds, draw back the curtains, let in the daylight wherever you can.  It seems so basic but we often overlook it
  • To freshen up your old sofa, check out factory second stores for washable textured coverlets or throws in pale colours and tuck them over your sofa. Toss them in the washing machine often with a generous dose of natural stain remover, and dry them on a line in the sun if you can
  • Buy the largest cheap plain white canvases you can find and hang them side by side on large expanses of wall. Take your pick of gold or silver acrylic paint and paint squiggly vertical stripes on them. Have three different brush sizes ranging from thin to very wide and alternate them so that you mix up the widths. This gives you plenty of wiggle room so you don’t need any kind of precision measuring or laying out. It will create a sense of light and make the room appear larger

Whatever your chosen look, seek out its essence and look for ways to recreate that with what you have. Look at your current furnishings and imagine you’re seeing them in a store. Forget what you’re using them for right now. Could they be moved to a different room and serve a better purpose? Can you spray paint the timber ones and replace knobs for a fresh new look? (There are plenty of DIY blogs out there with step by step guides to doing such things.)

Bonus tip: whenever you’re painting, choose low VOC eco-friendly paints and crank up the diffuser to full output to counter the fumes. Citrus Fresh™ and Purification™ are great choices. If you only have singles on hand, trusty authentic lavender, orange or eucalyptus are excellent, too.

Enjoy building your dream home and loving what you already have, and in time, look back on the process. You might be amazed to realize the extent to which your dreams have come to fruition. Let us know how you go !

Have a great weekend, and enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.