When I was growing up, Halloween wasn’t ‘a thing’ in my far north Qld childhood town on the Atherton Tableland.

Come to think of it, Halloween wasn’t really ‘a thing’ when my kids were growing up much closer to city life, either.

But thanks to the magic of the internet and TV and social media making Halloween look like a fun event to add to the calendar, it’s almost become the unofficial start to the festive season.

If you can’t beat them, join them, I say. And you can put your healthy stamp on things without sending the kids running straight to the neighbour’s house for a junk fix.

Before we get to a couple of recipes that satisfy sweet tooths without too much colateral damage and overstimulation, my diffusing suggestions for setting the mood are Young Living Abundance™ or Christmas Spirit™.

It might sound like a weird choice, but both are sweet and spicy, and those scents team perfectly with pumpkins! Set up your diffuser in the entry and have your Jack’o’Lanterns alongside them with tealight candles inside and you’ll have a wonderful atmosphere going that also spreads cheery cosiness.

Will it take the edge off the spookiness and thrills for your Trick or Treaters?  Maybe !  But I vote for giving them a dose of calm on your doorstep without them being any the wiser. If you need any tips on how to diffuse, please click here. And whatever you do, please don’t use an oil burner. Those things really are a horror story !

Now, onto the treats !  Both these recipes – the pops and cups – can be packaged individually in food-safe transparent bags tied with orange and black ribbons (or any holiday theme. There’s no need to reserve them for Halloween!)   Young Living Organic Dried Wolfberries are tasty and nutritious so I’ve included them in these recipes.  Wolfberries are one of the original ‘superfruits’ way back in ancient Chinese traditions, long before ‘superfruit’ was a buzz word.  They are rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, polysaccharides, and have a distinctive ratio of trace nutrients.  They aren’t always in stock so it’s great to grab some when they are.

Raw Chocolate Wolfberry Pops

Adapted from Blythe Raw

  • ¾ cup raw organic cacao powder
  • ¾ cup cold-pressed virgin coconut oil in liquid state
  • ¾ cup raw honey (or substitute with Young Living Blue Agave nectar)
  • Optional: dried Young Living Organic Dried Wolfberries (seasonal product)
  • Variations for the grown-ups: 2 cm/1 inch fresh ginger (peeled) or 1 small cayenne pepper
  • Pop moulds and sticks (available online or at kitchen shops)

Coconut oil naturally changes from liquid to solid state (and everything in between!) depending on the temperature. This recipe requires liquid coconut oil, so stand the closed jar in a cup of warm water if needed to liquefy it just prior to making up the recipe.

Sprinkle a few dried wolfberries in each of the moulds.

Put the coconut oil and honey in a blender with the ginger or cayenne pepper if adding them. Blend for 30 seconds then add the cacao and blend until smooth.

Pour into moulds, add the sticks to make your pops.

Remove from the moulds and place into individual bags and tie with decorative ribbon.

The pops will hold their shape as long as they are kept under 23C/74F, so refrigeration until serving is best in spring/summer.

In Australia, Halloween night might involve a trip to the fridge when the Trick or Treaters arrive.

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raw halloween treats, the good oil daily

Macadamia Wolfberry Butter Cups

Adapted from Blythe Raw

  • 1 + 1/3 cup raw organic macadamia nuts (soaked in water overnight beforehand and drained)
  • Optional: dried Young Living Organic Dried Wolfberries (seasonal product)
  • 1 cup raw organic cacao powder
  • ¾ cup raw honey
  • ¾ cup raw organic coconut oil (liquid state)
  • Mini muffin cases

Puree nuts in a processor with the chopping blade until smooth.  If including dried wolfberries, reduce the quantity of macadamia nuts so that the total of both is one and a third cups, and add them to the processor briefly once the nuts are smooth.

Spoon into mini muffin cases.

Blend liquid coconut oil and honey for 30 seconds, then add the cacao powder and blend until smooth.

Pour into the cases over the top of the macadamia butter.

Chill until firm, wrap individually in bags and decorate with ribbon, then store in the fridge until serving.

Have a great weekend, and enjoy the good oil daily.

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To join and order from Young Living, please click Order Here.

This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.  Image credit Just a Taste