Celebrate Easter with Spiritual Essential Oils

I love Easter treats as much as the next person.  That’s why along with our tips for spiritual essential oils to use and diffuse over Easter, we’ve included a delicious raw Easter-inspired recipe, too. But the main focus today is on the chance Easter gives us to reflect on what it means to you aside from [...]

Celebrate Easter with Spiritual Essential Oils2019-04-15T18:10:29+10:00

Vitex Essential Oil : Ladies’ Choice

If Mother Nature had to choose a plant that has ‘girl power’ in its genes, the shortlist must surely contain Vitex agnus-castus!  Used traditionally for a couple of thousand years, it’s a wonderful inclusion in massage and skin care oils when women are craving extra TLC. Vitex, Monk’s Pepper, Chaste Tree: all these are one and [...]

Vitex Essential Oil : Ladies’ Choice2019-04-01T18:01:30+10:00

Vetiver for Grounding, Study and Chilling

Alpha-vetivone, Beta-vetivone and Beta-vetivenene: put them together and what have you got?  Vetiver-bobbidee-boo! Oh, wait ~ you’ll need to add in some Isovalencenol and Khusimol, too! If these words are gobbledegook to you, it matters not when it comes to enjoying the essential oil these compose.  These mouthfuls of letters are chemical constituents and every essential [...]

Vetiver for Grounding, Study and Chilling2019-03-11T14:31:34+10:00

Essential Oils for Happiness and Transformation

A friend recommended a wonderful book to me on happiness and transformation called ‘Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One’ by Raphaëlle Giordano (translated from the original French best-seller ‘Ta deuxième vie commence quand tu comprends que tu n’en a qu’une’). Indeed, it’s an uplifting book about living life fully.  The promo [...]

Essential Oils for Happiness and Transformation2019-02-28T13:23:42+10:00

Sweet Dreams with Valerian Essential Oil

“There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.” Homer, The Odyssey Unfortunately, sometimes brains don’t know where to draw the line.  But valerian can help them to find it. The root of this highly helpful plant has a long history of use, unwinding a languorous path to relaxation dating [...]

Sweet Dreams with Valerian Essential Oil2019-02-18T17:29:45+10:00

Uplift Your Spirits with Tsuga Essential Oil

Anything in life that we call ‘evergreen’ is thought to be timeless and constant. Evergreen trees and their essential oils are the same.  Today we’re taking a closer look at one of these enduring and strong stayers who manage to withstand so many extremes: Tsuga. This energising gem is steam distilled from the needles and twigs [...]

Uplift Your Spirits with Tsuga Essential Oil2019-02-04T17:05:32+10:00

Tropical Haven in a Bottle with Young Living Stress Away™

Lime and vanilla: all we need is a miniature paper umbrella and we’re one shot of white rum and a half coconut shell away from a paradise-inspired mind-mellowing cocktail! But when we combine these instead in the form of oils and extracts to inhale, you can skip the depressing afterglow and liver-taxing calories of alcohol-inspired relaxation [...]

Tropical Haven in a Bottle with Young Living Stress Away™2019-01-23T17:05:52+10:00

Thyme Essential Oil for Energising and Uplifting

Do you find yourself wishing you felt like you had all the time in the world?  Essential oil of thyme is like having time in a bottle.  Or it can certainly help you to feel that way. Just as humans are poetically likened to snowflakes, each of us unique, so are essential oils with their individual [...]

Thyme Essential Oil for Energising and Uplifting2019-01-15T15:12:46+10:00

6 Surprise Ways to Use Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil is hands-down winner when it comes to fresh minty breath. But how else do you use it? On a recent trip, I remembered on my way to the airport that I’d left my little travel collection of oils behind.  Mayday, mayday!  Thankfully, I had a 5mL sized Young Living Peppermint essential oil in [...]

6 Surprise Ways to Use Peppermint Essential Oil2018-12-18T17:19:08+10:00

Natural TLC for Your Feet

Feet.  Hardworking and humble beasts of burden, they are taken for granted routinely and given loads to carry day in, day out.   Long-suffering and loathe to complain, it’s too easy to ignore their needs until you push them too far.  Then, they’ll let you know about it! If you’re on your feet all day, you probably [...]

Natural TLC for Your Feet2018-12-05T18:03:58+10:00


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