“A letdown is worth a few songs. A heartbreak is worth a few albums.” Taylor Swift

In every break-up story, there’s the break-upper, the break-uppee.  Or in the more easily managed scenarios, it’s a mutual decision which still brings its own challenges, but those ones are more likely to be practical issues than ‘eat a tub of whisky-drizzled ice-cream and sobbing over romantic movies in your dressing gown’ ones.   If mutually agreed, there’s a good chance you’ve already grown well-used to the idea of living separate lives and you’re further along in the process of moving on.

For the mutual break-up scenarios, these blog posts and companion essential oil blends will still be very handy:

If you instigated the going of separate ways – if you are the break-upper – it’s easy to underestimate the impact that finally saying the words and working through the upset can bring, even if you’d had a long time to plan and envisage what your life will be like in its new chapter.

You might think you’ll sail on without a backward glance, but if it turns out you’re not as ‘together’ about the whole thing as you thought, essential oils are invaluable for helping you to gather yourself and continue to move forwards. The following blends are all Young Living formulations, since that’s my brand of choice. I know I can count on them for quality and authenticity. (You can learn why I love and trust them so much in this short video.)

  • Believe™ Believe in yourself and the choices you’ve made. It can be easy for self-doubt to creep in when faced with the hurt response from someone you once cared for, even if those feeling have since faded
  • Forgiveness™ Forgive yourself. Guilt can weigh heavily when you’re the one who says Good-Bye. Be ready for it. Acknowledge the feeling but use it as a tool, not a weapon against yourself
  • Joy™ It can be easy to forget to be joyful in the aftermath. And it’s ok to allow yourself to feel joyful. That in itself can flip to guilt. Please re-read the above paragraph about forgiveness. Then open a bottle of Joy
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This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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If you’re the ice-cream and vodka-sozzled one – the break-uppee –  we can’t have you comfort-eating and sozzling yourself, can we.  Not forever, at least. Some wallowing is a natural and important part of the whole process. But the moment a loved one turns up at your door and says you could seriously do with a shower, or even a bit before, here are a few gentle pointers to get you started.

  • Valor™ Our self-esteem is one of the first things to take a battering if someone tells us they don’t want to be with us — no matter how kindly they might convey it. This beautiful blend is a valuable inclusion every day, and especially if you’re feeling a bit fragile. (Supply shortages of raw materials have affected its availability at times, and Highest Potential™ is a good alternative)
  • Acceptance™ “But I just don’t believe it …” must be one of the most common phrases said when the penny is still dropping. We want to think there’s been a mistake.  From much I’ve heard and learned over the time, the easiest way to get through this is to accept the situation as it stands right now. This oil blend really does bring a tremendous amount of comfort at a time like this
  • Release™ Letting go of dreams and plans isn’t always necessary, but releasing attachments to them as they presently stand is a good idea. They might need some adjustments, and some might need to be blessed and left behind. Bit by bit, you’ll figure out the difference but this blend can help you feel lighter in the meantime
  • Present Time™ Thinking too far ahead at times like this can bring about feelings of panic. Staying focused on the here and now can be very calming, and this lovely essential oil blend can help you do that. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat

Be gentle with yourself, take lots of warm showers, drink comforting cups of tea, book a massage or go for a walk with a good friend. Cuddle your pets often.  Love is all around in many shapes and sizes.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, please get in touch with someone who understands what you’re going through and is qualified to help. In Australia, you can contact beyondblue on 1300 22 4636 and Lifeline on 13 11 14 around the clock.

Have a great weekend, and enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.